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For my terminal project I was inspired by the vanity of existence. We have been told about this concept all our lives, however as the years have passed this concept has adapted to our lifestyle. Today we see that vanity transformed in a selfie, in social networks, in the media, in application filters, in content creators and obviously in us, in the vanity rituals that we perform every day.

Now, we live in a connected world (online) where with just one click you can manipulate any of your photographs with editing programs and share them on your social networks.

On the one hand, these types of applications, such as FaceTune or Photoshop, are no longer only available to professional photographers, but to everyone. Likewise, thanks to this virtual world, we have developed an empty need to share the best version of ourselves, making it a daily commitment. It is interesting to know that something characteristic of being human is wanting to belong to something and currently it means belonging not only to the physical world, but also to the digital world. We need validation from other people through their likes.

The objective of this project is to be able to translate the concept of vanity in a not so cliché way and rather present it in a contemporary and real way. The collection has a commercial purpose, however the concept is something very present in the garments.

I will explain vanity in a not so conventional way. It's not about glamor and glitter as you may be imagining. I'm talking about something we deal with every day, our appearance. People, especially women, can feel identified, since today many women try to meet certain standards, and it is not always part of vanity or these self-care rituals, it also comes from insecurities and this validation mechanism. of the profile itself.

I had not understood the reason for choosing my topic, however by introspecting I was able to connect it with a vulnerability of mine, my body. Personally, I have liked to wear oversized, loose clothing; and I thought it was for comfort, but it wasn't just that, but sometimes there are parts of my body that I don't want to show, but that doesn't mean I want to dress in an old-fashioned way, quite the opposite, I want to look very good. , always. So I developed a concept where I talk to you about appearances, self-image (selfie), vanities, social networks, validation, but also about an ideal of beauty that we would not have to meet. It should only belong to you.

It can be said that we live in a complex, tangled, connected, competitive and prejudiced world. Being vain, whether you see it from a negative or positive point of view, becomes part of us. It's that something that allows me to go out and feel good about myself. That's what it's about.

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